Integraciones / Integrations

Integrate Mercado Libre

Integrate your Mercado Libre store to synchronize the information of your orders and listings. This integration allows you to manage your operations in real time and automatically process orders.

Envia Fulfillment offers more than 30 integrations, making it easy to connect all your sales channels.

Steps to integrate your store

  1. Log in to your Envia Fulfillment account.
  2. In the main menu, select Integrations
  3. Click on the Integrate Store button.
  4. Select Mercado Libre from the list of integrations.
  5. Enter your store name and the marketplace it belongs to, then click Continue
  6. You will be redirected to Mercado Libre to log in with your credentials.
  7. Grant the necessary permissions to complete the integration.

Your Mercado Libre store is now connected to Envia Fulfillment, allowing us to synchronize your orders and listings.

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